Exchange Rate > >
1. The customs authorities shall publish and/or make available the applicable foreign exchange rates on the Internet when currency conversion is indispensable for one of the following reasons:
a) because the elements used to determine the customs value of the goods are mentioned in a different currency other than that of the Republic of Albania;
b) because the national currency value is required in EURO in order to determine the tariff classification of goods and the amount of import and export duty, including the value thresholds in the Customs Tariff of the Republic of Albania.
2. New exchange rates shall be determined each month with the exception mentioned in point 5.
3. Exchange rates shall be valid from the 6 of a month to the 5 of the following month.
4. The rate of exchange to be used shall be the exchange rate published by the Bank of Albania on the last working day of the month before the period mentioned in paragraph 3.
5. Where a rate of exchange published by the Bank of Albania differs by 5% or more from the rate decided in accordance with paragraph 4 for use in accordance with paragraph 3, it shall replace the latter rate and enter into use from the second working day following its publication as the rate to be used for the rest of the remaining period.
6. Where money exchange is necessary for reasons other than those referred to in point 1, the exchange rate to be applied within the framework of customs legislation shall be set at least once a year.