Excise > Fiscal Facilities, Guarantees and Stamps >
Excise legislation has foreseen the cases where the operators may benefit from excise tax relief or differentiated excise duties rates.
Fiscal facilities include the following cases:
1. Differentiation of excise
A. In import
In the case of import of products subject to excise duty, the level of taxation of which according to the Annex 1 depends on the actual production quantity of the previous calendar year, the importers must submit to the Excise Department at the General Directorate of Customs (GDC) a document declaring the quantity of the production company of this category/product type
Në rastin e importit të produkteve që u nënshtrohen akcizës, niveli i taksimit të të cilave sipas shtojcës 1 bashkëlidhur, varet nga sasia e prodhimit faktik të vitit të mëparshëm kalendarik, importuesit duhet të paraqesin pranë Departamentit të Akcizës në Drejtorinë e Përgjithshme të Doganave (DPD), një dokument me të cilin të deklarojë sasinë e prodhimit të kompanisë prodhuese të kësaj kategorie/lloj produkti.
To benefit from the differentiated level of excise duty, the parties conecerned apply to the GDC by submitting:
To be issued by the producing company about the category/type of imported product, regardless of the exporting country;
B) For domestic production:
The document submitted by the Excise Operator in GDC in order to be qualified for differentiated excise duty should be issued by the supervising customs office by determining the level of production of the previous year.
The company must submit:
2. The Exemption on Import for the fuel purchased by the accredited diplomatic corps under the principle of reciprocity and supervised by the State Protocol is carried out at GDC by submitting the following documents: