Institution > Customs Administration Activities >
Starting from April 1, 2025, business operators will have to provide data on goods sent to, or through, the EU, prior to their arrival, through a full Entry Summary Declaration (ENS). This is because from September 1, 2025 the current ICS1 system will be phased out and the ICS2 system will replace the ICS1 system through a completely new process, in accordance with the European Union Customs Code. Failure to comply with the ICS2 system requirements on time may result in the goods being detained at EU borders and the non-implementation of customs formalities by EU customs authorities.
DGTAXUD, following the request of the Albanian Customs Administration, will organize on March 13 from 10:00 to 12:30 a webinar where EC experts will make a short online presentation on the ICS2 System, while economic operators can ask questions regarding the operational and technical aspects of ICS2.
This presentation is valid for all economic operators and transporters registered in the Republic of Albania and who have obtained an EORI/RIOE number in one of the EU member states. (For more info see the link
Webex address where you can participate at: