Travelers > Cash Declaration >
Obligations of travelers to declare monetary values at Border Crossing Points.
a) for amounts from 10 000 - 19 999 euros or their equivalent in other foreign currencies, the fine is in the amount of 20 000 (twenty thousand) ALL for the first time, 10% of the undeclared value for the second time, as and 30% of the undeclared value for other cases;
b) for amounts from 20,000 - 49,999 euros or their equivalent in other foreign currencies, the fine is in the amount of 40,000 (forty thousand) ALL for the first time, 20% of the undeclared value for the second time, as and 40% of the undeclared value for other cases;
c) for amounts over 50,000 euros or their equivalent in other foreign currencies, the fine is in the amount of 60,000 (sixty thousand) ALL for the first time, 30% of the undeclared value for the second time, and 50% of undeclared value for other cases.
How the declaration is made?
The declaration is made by completing the RTVK form which can be found at BCP Customs officees or can be downloaded from the web site of the General Directorate of Customs.
Attention! Present yourself to the Customs Authorities to complete the Value Transport Report at the Border (RTVK) by submitting any additional documents justifying the source of income you declare.
The declaration form is completed:
You don't pay any fee when you complete the form of the monetary values declaration (RTVK).