Facilitations & Exemptions > Authorized Economic Operators >
What is an AEO?
Authorized Economic Operator is a status granted for "trustworthy traders" that can benefit from many customs simplifications.
According to the Albanian Customs Code, there are two types of status for AEO that can be granted:
Both those status may be combined in order to be benifited a "full" AEO.
If an AEO wants to benefit from a simplification/regime, the Customs does not examine the terms or criteria.
The Albanian Customs Administration has implemented the OEA status according to international standards and for that purpose a Common Recognition Agreement has been signed with the CEFTA countries in compliance with EU legislation where CEFTA parties shall inform each-other regarding the identity of the AEOs.
Benefits resulting from the status of authorised economic operator
a) More favourable treatment regarding risk assessment and control:
b) A simplified or exclusive access to certain custom simplifications:
c) Agreement on mutual recognition with other countries.
AEO criteria
According to the required authorization (customs or security and safety simplifications), the applicant shall fulfil certain criteria:
For AEO-S status, security and safety standards:
An AEO-S benefits control simplifications on entry-exit of goods in the Albanian territory